Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kingsley's Birth (70 photos), by Roger Fisher

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
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And Three Became Four

Waiting on the arrival of Kingsley....

John Kingsley Fisher, born 7.27.10 at 1:10a
6lbs. 10oz, 18.5"

Coolest Big Brother!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My First Lawn Mower

Last weekend Brooks decided he was going to help his daddy mow the lawn. It was so cute! He walked back and forth across the yard following his daddy's every move. He took his job very seriously - I guess it's never too early to start learning how to help around the house.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Trick or Treat Elmo

Brooks' favorite book this Halloween was Trick or Treat Elmo! So, it was only fitting that he go as Elmo. His cousin, Kate, showed him the ropes, they even invited themselves in a few of the houses - luckily our neighbors thought it was cute. He had a great time with his cousins and even said "trick or treat" at a few of the houses.

Brooks with his cousins Caroline and Kate

My big cousin showing me how to trick or treat!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Our day at the pumpkin patch started out great, Brooks loved climbing on the pumpkins and playing on the tractors. But what's a day of fun without a little trauma?? So, after playing in the “hay house” we headed over to the playground with the big kids. Brooks was doing great going down the slide with our help so we thought we would see what he could do on his own....bad idea. He started out great and about half-way down, he somehow flipped onto his belly and slid down the rest of the way on his stomach; catching his mouth and nose on the end of the slide. Our first bloody nose – it was terrible and I know more traumatizing for mom than him. It was a fun day overall but the last 5 minutes were enough to call it quits.

I love pumpkins!

Look I can drive!

G.G. (Great-Grandmother), Brooks and Mom

The Hay House

Eating the slide and....

the busted nose. So sad!

Halloween Playdate

Campbell and Daniel know how to host a party! It was great to see all my friends and even meet some new ones. Everyone looked so cute in their Halloween costumes, it was hard to pick a favorite but Miss Avery took home the prize as Dorothy. Lets get together again soon, Brooks.

What a crew!

Avery and Campbell headed to the playroom.

Holden and Brooks

Clayton and Brooks

Fall Festival

We started our week of Halloween festivities at the Fall Festival at Gateway Church. Hayden and Crystal joined us, along with several hundred of our closest friends. The kids had a ball - the petting zoo was a favorite and they loved the bounce house (even if their mommies were a little nervous).

Hayden and Brooks enjoying chick-fil-a.

Hayden and Brooks in the petting zoo.

I love the bounce house! MOM....can I have one of these!!